Monday, January 17, 2011

For many reasons I cant explain, I started a blog. Not only did I start one, I plan to keep up with it and update it as much as I can. These days, most of what we do comes out of meer happenstance and the need to do better. But what if we were given one day where we didnt have to do or be better, what if we took what we were given and streched it as far and as wide as we possibly could. What would it look like? What would feel, taste, smell and, most of all, do for us as a person.

So heres what im going to do, im going to chronical my feelings on every aspect or little tid-bit of my life. In the words of someone wise, "who gives a fuck about what I think?", well, what ever the case may be, if you hate this or love this im still gonna write it, because I need to see what i can do to make an amazing life.

I hope, or would like, anybody to read this.

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